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ecotherapist • spiritual ecologist • photographer
Celestial + Night
Blood Moon Manipulated, 2022Captured in Bend, OR | Blood Moon Manipulated 2, 2022Captured in Bend, OR | Crescent Moon, 2021Near Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, CA |
Mars and Milky Way, 2019Ebbetts Pass, California | Orange Waning Moon, 2020Flanders, New York | Kinney Lakes, 2018Ebbetts Pass, California |
California Juniper, 2018Joshua Tree National Park, California | Super Blue Blood Moon, 2018Near Bear Valley, California | Totality, 2017Big Summit Prairie, Ochoco National Forest, Oregon |
Peak, 2017Outside Leavenworth, Washington | Full Moon, 2017Outside of Crater Lake National Park, Oregon | Utica Night, 2014Utica Reservoir, California |
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